Gaza Kids Best Week Ever: Youtube Viral Chart

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The past week or so has been a great week for Gaza's kids. They beat their own Guinness record for the most amount of kites flown simultaneously, they set another record for the most amount of basketballs dribbled simultaneously and they also met MATT. Matt is one of youtube's earliest celebrity globe trotters. He basically became known for a compilation video he did of himself dancing in different locations around the world. UNRWA (The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East), which places a huge amount of its work emphasis on the youth of Gaza, has coordinated all these activites. You can see a video of the kites, basketballs and Matt's cameo.

1 Response on "Gaza Kids Best Week Ever: Youtube Viral Chart"

  1. Tienes un blog muy interesante, donde se pueden aprender muchas cosas. Enhorabuena.