The Video Seizing the Net: Max Blumenthal's "Feeling the Hate In Jerusalem on Eve of Obama's Cairo Address"

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Before any conclusions are drawn from watching the shocking video, I encourage everyone to read the poignant justification blog, written by Mr. Blumenthal, arguing why he made the video and discussing the reaction he has received in its wake, found by clicking here.

1 Response on "The Video Seizing the Net: Max Blumenthal's "Feeling the Hate In Jerusalem on Eve of Obama's Cairo Address""

  1. Why not says:

    I've seen alcohol effects in friends and I can tell you it really changes people and make them say things they would never say when sober, and even think when sober. As i'm a friend that knows them and talk about all issues with absolute freedom, I knew those words came from alcohol not from their souls. And that's why I don't drink. If alcohol has this effects on my friends, probalbly can do the same on me. And I don't want to say things I don't think.